useEffect – React

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useEffect – React

2024-07-16 02:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Now that you define the createOptions function inside the Effect, the Effect itself only depends on the roomId string. With this fix, typing into the input doesn’t reconnect the chat. Unlike a function which gets re-created, a string like roomId doesn’t change unless you set it to another value. Read more about removing dependencies.

Reading the latest props and state from an Effect Under Construction

This section describes an experimental API that has not yet been released in a stable version of React.

By default, when you read a reactive value from an Effect, you have to add it as a dependency. This ensures that your Effect “reacts” to every change of that value. For most dependencies, that’s the behavior you want.

However, sometimes you’ll want to read the latest props and state from an Effect without “reacting” to them. For example, imagine you want to log the number of the items in the shopping cart for every page visit:

function Page({ url, shoppingCart }) { useEffect(() => { logVisit(url, shoppingCart.length); }, [url, shoppingCart]); // ✅ All dependencies declared // ...}

What if you want to log a new page visit after every url change, but not if only the shoppingCart changes? You can’t exclude shoppingCart from dependencies without breaking the reactivity rules. However, you can express that you don’t want a piece of code to “react” to changes even though it is called from inside an Effect. Declare an Effect Event with the useEffectEvent Hook, and move the code reading shoppingCart inside of it:

function Page({ url, shoppingCart }) { const onVisit = useEffectEvent(visitedUrl => { logVisit(visitedUrl, shoppingCart.length) }); useEffect(() => { onVisit(url); }, [url]); // ✅ All dependencies declared // ...}

Effect Events are not reactive and must always be omitted from dependencies of your Effect. This is what lets you put non-reactive code (where you can read the latest value of some props and state) inside of them. By reading shoppingCart inside of onVisit, you ensure that shoppingCart won’t re-run your Effect.

Read more about how Effect Events let you separate reactive and non-reactive code.

Displaying different content on the server and the client

If your app uses server rendering (either directly or via a framework), your component will render in two different environments. On the server, it will render to produce the initial HTML. On the client, React will run the rendering code again so that it can attach your event handlers to that HTML. This is why, for hydration to work, your initial render output must be identical on the client and the server.

In rare cases, you might need to display different content on the client. For example, if your app reads some data from localStorage, it can’t possibly do that on the server. Here is how you could implement this:

function MyComponent() { const [didMount, setDidMount] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { setDidMount(true); }, []); if (didMount) { // ... return client-only JSX ... } else { // ... return initial JSX ... }}

While the app is loading, the user will see the initial render output. Then, when it’s loaded and hydrated, your Effect will run and set didMount to true, triggering a re-render. This will switch to the client-only render output. Effects don’t run on the server, so this is why didMount was false during the initial server render.

Use this pattern sparingly. Keep in mind that users with a slow connection will see the initial content for quite a bit of time—potentially, many seconds—so you don’t want to make jarring changes to your component’s appearance. In many cases, you can avoid the need for this by conditionally showing different things with CSS.

Troubleshooting My Effect runs twice when the component mounts

When Strict Mode is on, in development, React runs setup and cleanup one extra time before the actual setup.

This is a stress-test that verifies your Effect’s logic is implemented correctly. If this causes visible issues, your cleanup function is missing some logic. The cleanup function should stop or undo whatever the setup function was doing. The rule of thumb is that the user shouldn’t be able to distinguish between the setup being called once (as in production) and a setup → cleanup → setup sequence (as in development).

Read more about how this helps find bugs and how to fix your logic.

My Effect runs after every re-render

First, check that you haven’t forgotten to specify the dependency array:

useEffect(() => { // ...}); // 🚩 No dependency array: re-runs after every render!

If you’ve specified the dependency array but your Effect still re-runs in a loop, it’s because one of your dependencies is different on every re-render.

You can debug this problem by manually logging your dependencies to the console:

useEffect(() => { // .. }, [serverUrl, roomId]); console.log([serverUrl, roomId]);

You can then right-click on the arrays from different re-renders in the console and select “Store as a global variable” for both of them. Assuming the first one got saved as temp1 and the second one got saved as temp2, you can then use the browser console to check whether each dependency in both arrays is the same:[0], temp2[0]); // Is the first dependency the same between the arrays?[1], temp2[1]); // Is the second dependency the same between the arrays?[2], temp2[2]); // ... and so on for every dependency ...

When you find the dependency that is different on every re-render, you can usually fix it in one of these ways:

Updating state based on previous state from an Effect Removing unnecessary object dependencies Removing unnecessary function dependencies Reading the latest props and state from an Effect

As a last resort (if these methods didn’t help), wrap its creation with useMemo or useCallback (for functions).

My Effect keeps re-running in an infinite cycle

If your Effect runs in an infinite cycle, these two things must be true:

Your Effect is updating some state. That state leads to a re-render, which causes the Effect’s dependencies to change.

Before you start fixing the problem, ask yourself whether your Effect is connecting to some external system (like DOM, network, a third-party widget, and so on). Why does your Effect need to set state? Does it synchronize with that external system? Or are you trying to manage your application’s data flow with it?

If there is no external system, consider whether removing the Effect altogether would simplify your logic.

If you’re genuinely synchronizing with some external system, think about why and under what conditions your Effect should update the state. Has something changed that affects your component’s visual output? If you need to keep track of some data that isn’t used by rendering, a ref (which doesn’t trigger re-renders) might be more appropriate. Verify your Effect doesn’t update the state (and trigger re-renders) more than needed.

Finally, if your Effect is updating the state at the right time, but there is still a loop, it’s because that state update leads to one of the Effect’s dependencies changing. Read how to debug dependency changes.

My cleanup logic runs even though my component didn’t unmount

The cleanup function runs not only during unmount, but before every re-render with changed dependencies. Additionally, in development, React runs setup+cleanup one extra time immediately after component mounts.

If you have cleanup code without corresponding setup code, it’s usually a code smell:

useEffect(() => { // 🔴 Avoid: Cleanup logic without corresponding setup logic return () => { doSomething(); };}, []);

Your cleanup logic should be “symmetrical” to the setup logic, and should stop or undo whatever setup did:

useEffect(() => { const connection = createConnection(serverUrl, roomId); connection.connect(); return () => { connection.disconnect(); }; }, [serverUrl, roomId]);

Learn how the Effect lifecycle is different from the component’s lifecycle.

My Effect does something visual, and I see a flicker before it runs

If your Effect must block the browser from painting the screen, replace useEffect with useLayoutEffect. Note that this shouldn’t be needed for the vast majority of Effects. You’ll only need this if it’s crucial to run your Effect before the browser paint: for example, to measure and position a tooltip before the user sees it.




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